Hi @everyone!
Today, we're excited to announce that Magic 🪄 is the new official package manager and virtual environment manager for MAX and Mojo projects.
What does this mean for you?
One significant change is that starting this Monday, MAX and Mojo packages will be distributed as a single Conda package — max
, available in both stable and nightly builds. While the modular
CLI will still be available, it will not receive any new updates, and we strongly encourage you to migrate to Magic or any other tool that supports Conda package management.
Why are we making this change?
We wanted to ship a packaging solution that would work seamlessly with other popular package management systems, so we chose the Conda ecosystem as a standard because of its wide adoption and interoperability. We also want to make it easier to manage virtual environments to avoid packaging conflicts and improve code reproducibility. magic
gives us a way to deliver MAX and Mojo in a single package, allowing you to instantly launch code examples and easily create new projects.
What happens next?
Going forward, we recommend you manage your MAX and Mojo installations using the magic
CLI. It brings a number of improvements specific to Modular pipelines and virtual environments, and we will adding new features for managing, developing, and deploying pipelines to future magic
releases. The current stable release of magic
is 0.2.3 🚀
You can get started and learn more on our new magic docs page ➡️ https://docs.modular.com/magic/
Magic 是 MAX 和 Mojo 项目的包管理器和虚拟环境管理器。它建立在 conda 和 pypi 打包生态系统之上,提供对数千个 Python 和其他语言包的访问,同时为 MAX 和 Mojo 添加了额外的功能。
管理系统上的包依赖关系对于代码稳定性和兼容性至关重要,但这只是成功的一半。虚拟环境对于避免项目之间的包冲突和提高跨系统的代码可重复性也至关重要。虽然 pip、brew 和 apt 等工具有助于安装和更新包,但它们无法帮助管理您的虚拟环境。虽然像 conda 这样的一些工具可以同时完成这两项工作,但我们需要一些也可以处理 Mojo 并满足我们对 MAX 和 Mojo 不断变化的需求的东西。这就是我们创造 magic 的原因。
magic 允许您立即启动代码示例并创建使用 MAX 的新项目——所有包依赖项和环境设置都为您神奇地管理。