Bug description
In the windows ubuntu subsystem(i.e. Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-19041-Microsoft x86_64))
curl -ssL https://magic.modular.com/cd4d8b41-cffe-4778-b55a-c47aa995bc53 | bash
Installing the latest version of Magic...
######################################################################## 100.0%
Done. The 'magic' binary is in '/home/maduo/.modular/bin'
Two more steps:
1. To use 'magic', run this command so it's in your PATH:
source /home/maduo/.bashrc
2. To build with MAX and Mojo, go to http://modul.ar/get-started
$source /home/maduo/.bashrc
$magic --version
magic 0.2.3
$ magic init my-project
$ magic shell
. "/tmp/pixi_env_KCc.sh"
$ mojo --version
mojo 24.4.0 (59977802)
$ mojo
[2074:2074:20240909,164708.895107:ERROR exception_handler_server.cc:361] getsockopt: Invalid argument (22)
[2072:2072:20240909,164708.895430:ERROR socket.cc:153] unhandled cmsg 0, 0
Failed to initialize Crashpad. Crash reporting will not be available. Cause: crashpad failed to start handler
mojo: error: unable to resolve the lldb path
In the centos cluster environment(i.e. 4.18.0-348.el8.0.2.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Nov 14 00:51:12 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux)
The process is the same as above, but the following error is prompted when entering the mojo command line environment
mojo: /lib64/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by mojo)
Steps to reproduce
- Include relevant code snippet or link to code that did not work as expected.
- If applicable, add screenshots to help explain the problem.
- If using the Playground, name the pre-existing notebook that failed and the steps that led to failure.
- Include anything else that might help us debug the issue.
System information
- What OS did you do install Mojo on ?
- Provide version information for Mojo by pasting the output of `mojo -v`
- Provide Modular CLI version by pasting the output of `modular -v`